Articles on: Synchronization & Cloud
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Sync Codes on iOS and Mac Catalyst

Ensure that there is proper internet connection and try to sync your journal again. Check Google Drive status on this website to see if Google Drive is facing any technical issues. If the problem continues to persist, please check for a sync error code.

To check for a sync error code, go to Settings > Cloud Services > tap on your Cloud account > in "Last Sync Status", you should see “Unsuccessful” with an error code. Alternatively, go to your Journey's Main Screen > tap on the Cloud icon. Additionally, please check if your entries are already synced with Google Drive via our website at Journey.Cloud.

Should you require any further assistance, please contact us with the error code and Sync Error Log via Live Chat.


Error in retrieving UUID of the Google account. Re-login and try again.


Error in fetching token. This is a Google Drive error. Please try again later.


Fail to fetch toBeDownload file info from ToBeDownload Table of core data. Re-sync and try again. If it still fails, reinstall the app.


Fail to fetch file list from Google Drive using GTLRDrive_FileList query for ToBeDownloadTable. This is a Google Drive error. Please try again later.


Fail to download JSON file from Google Drive. Google Drive error or connection timeout error. Please ensure that there is good internet connection.


Fail to download Thumbnail file or FullMedia file. Google Drive error or connection timeout error. Please ensure that there is good internet connection.


Fail to download media file. It could be Google Dive error or error in the date of upload of the media file. Google Drive error or connection timeout error. Please ensure that there is good internet connection.


Error in thumbnail link URL format. Re-sync and try again. If it still fails, contact us via Intercom.


Error in saving profile picture. Google Drive error or connection timeout error. Please ensure that there is good internet connection.


Fail to fetch profile info from Google Drive. Google Drive error or connection timeout error. Please re-login and try again.
Prior to the re-logging in of your Journey account, please check to see if your data has been backed up or synced.


Fail to get file resource from Google Drive. Google Drive error or connection timeout error. Please ensure that there is good internet connection.


Fail to fetch file list from Google Drive. Google Drive error or connection timeout error. Please ensure that there is good internet connection.


Fail to fetch changes list from Google Drive. Google Drive error or connection timeout error. Please ensure that there is good internet connection.


Error in downloading changes list from Google Drive.
Read Resolve Empty / Corrupt Entry.


Error in retrieving the email account. Re-login and try again.


Google Drive error code 400 (bad request). Re-login and try again.


Fail to delete file from Google Drive. Google Drive error or connection timeout error. Please ensure that there is good internet connection. Re-sync and try again.


Unable to connect to the internet. Please ensure that there is good internet connection. Re-sync and try again.


Fetch file from Google Drive during the file upload process. Google Drive error. Please ensure that there is good internet connection. Re-sync and try again.


Error in the response of files creation. This is a Google Drive error. Please ensure that there is good internet connection. Re-sync and try again.


Duplicated entries.
Read Resolve Duplicated Entry.


Fail to upload JSON file. This is a Google Drive error. Please ensure that there is good internet connection. Re-sync and try again. If it still fails, check if the Google Drive has exceeded the storage space limit.


Fail to upload media file. This is a Google Drive error. Please ensure that there is good internet connection. Re-sync and try again. If it still fails, check if the Google Drive has exceeded the storage space limit.

Updated on: 22/08/2024

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